Creating 'How To' Info Products

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

There are a lot of ways to generate both money and traffic online. And if these are the two things you want for your online business, there is only one effective way to have it - and that's by creating 'how to' info products. 'How to' info products are very popular these days because a lot of people go to the internet primarily for purposes of research. And more often than not, they get the things they need from 'how to' info products.

If you want to create 'how to' info products primarily to attract more visitors to your site or to actually earn from them by directly selling them to interested parties, you have to follow these tips to ensure you'll produce only the best products around:

1. Choose a good subject or topic

The selling point of an info product is always its essence. What it is going to teach is exactly the reason why people would buy it. It is therefore important that you choose to teach something that is needed by a lot of people. It has to be a very informational topic too. If it has social relevance, that's going to be even better.

2. Consider your expertise

If you are going to write the 'how to' info product yourself, you have to be very particular about choosing a topic that is within your expertise or interest. This will help you a lot in writing something that is not only informative but outright accurate as well. Accuracy is a very important element in creating 'how to' products. Keep in mind that you are teaching other people with your product. It is your responsibility to do so in full accuracy.

3. Make an outline

When writing 'how to' info products, you have to be very concise about your topics. Be sure that you don't get overeager writing about your topic that you don't make an outline of what you are going to write about. The outline will actually make your task a little easier. The outline will guide you as to how many chapters your info product will run and what topics are covered in each. Basically, you will be dividing your whole report into several small sections here. And you'll be writing each section individually too. Once everything is done, you'll simply combine them all and you now have a powerful info product ready for distribution.

4. Research deeply on each topic

You have to make sure that you write each and every one of your topics only after extensive research about it. While you might have adequate knowledge about a specific subject, it is still to your advantage that you conduct further research about it so you'll be more updated with it. There might be a lot of developments on that area that you don't know about. You don't want to be writing old news in an info product. You want to be the first to inform people about something very relevant.

5. Revise your draft several times

After you have carefully written about the topics you have in hand, be sure that you conduct second to third revisions with your writings. If possible, have it read by an editor or at least by another person. This way, you will be sure that you are writing in fully accuracy, as far as details and data are concerned. Also, you will be confident that your command of the English language or any other language of your choice is impeccable.

6. Distribute your info product in the right channels

After you have done all the steps above, your info product should be ready for distribution. You have to decide whether you're going to put a price tag on it, so that people can start buying your product. Or if you are more concerned about the traffic it could give you, you are better off giving away your 'how to' tutorial for free as an aid for those who want to learn more about the topic. It's really your choice. It is just a matter of distributing what you have created to the people who need it most.

These are the things you have to do in order to produce a 'how to' info product that will serve your purpose. Info products are powerful internet tools. Create and use them as they should.