On the Lookout for More Benjamin's? Try Setting-up Paid Membership Sites

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Many people are now switching from their regular 8-5 jobs to online jobs and for a great many reasons. There are those who are tired of being bound to their desks, others are exhausted of working with their difficult bosses; still many others are exhausted of having to travel daily to their offices. One very good reason to leave that formidable desk is to gain more profit. And what a better way to gain profits (that are all your own!) than to set up a paid membership site.

Paid membership sites are business models that can become highly lucrative. Just for the purpose of having an example, let us look at a site that can provide specialized information or knowledge, say, a writers site. This site can provide information or tips on copywriting, editing, feature writing, essay writing, to name a few.

Let us delve further into this imaginary paid membership site wherein the members get regular e-mails as correspondence to any of their inquiries on writing techniques or common writers errors. Hypothetically, a $50 membership every month for roughly 250 members will make more than $10,000! The profit doesn't end there. If, for instance, the 250 members recruit more individuals (about 2 or more each), it is sure that the business will expand dramatically.

Other individuals who set up paid membership sites even give commissions to their members who recruit additional members. Even if this is done at a rate of 50% as their commission, the profits would still roll in big time for the initial investor. Now, do the math; 250 members to be multiplied by $50 equals $12,500 monthly (take note that this is only for the initial members, no recruits!). In the long run, it is the growth of the membership that will sustain the site (aside from the regular monthly payments of the members).

For those who opt to have just a handful of regular members and just an ample amount of profit, this can be an endeavor that is still worth your while. Looking at it, it is really satisfying to become the moderator of even just a single site. It can be fulfilling in terms of helping out other people and also gratifying in terms of financial aspects. Imagine earning from doing what you want while in the convenience of your home. Nothing, on earth, could be more rewarding.