Living by the Internet

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

There are a lot of benefits working online as a freelancer. Among others, you don't have to go anywhere to earn money and you are free to do a lot of things during the time apart from your work hours. Sounds pretty darn convenient huh? Interested? Read on for some of the popular freelancing careers online.

1. Writer

Who would've known that being talkative and opinionated could get you a job online? Writing is one of the most popular online jobs these days. There are actually a lot of careers online under writing. You can become a news writer, an editorial writer or a writer of feature articles to name a few. You can also to choose to write for a site or even start your own web log featuring your works. You will definitely cash in on this career, just as long as your two cents makes sense.

2. Copywriter

A copywriter is someone who is responsible for an advertisements text. It generally promotes a certain person, product or service through creating slogans, scripts, jingles and the like. Companies employ freelancers for this kind of job. You will have to be a light bulb that switches on innovative and unique ideas.

3. Programmer

With technology rapidly developing, we can't help but to use it to our advantage. Because of this, there is an increasing demand for software programs. Businesses, for one, have employed new means of running their companies through the use of computer applications. They now use software for creating standardized invoices for their transactions, keeping count of their inventories and many other activities. Unfortunately, you're going to need a background in computer programming to get into this career.

4. Web Designer

An artist by heart? Then this is something you should try. Web designers are people who conceptualize on the functional design and layout of a web page. They are employed to give color to a dull site by adding pictures, animations and sounds. Nowadays, the prettier and the more functional sites get more hits. And the more hits, the more money they will earn. This job is for people who have training in computer design applications. (Other designer jobs: graphic design, logo-making, animator, etc.)

5. Other services such as consultants, tutors and translators

With chat boxes and webcams, consulting and teaching can even be done at home. There are also big demands for these services online. Translators are also in demand for translating different language pages to English and vice versa.

The Internet era won't soon die down. And with its fast-paced growth, who knows what tomorrows workforce can apply for.