Posting Articles Online: Why Journalism Isn't a Poor Man's Career Anymore

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

They say that good writers are born. The talented ones have what it takes in their genes and their burning passion for writing is a form of art. One reason why only a handful of writers thrive is because only a few get to have rewarding careers in writing. But, nowadays, that is no longer a reality. Welcome the era of online journalism.

One good way to earn big bucks at this modern age of computers is to submit articles online. It can be pretty lucrative if one knows the right people to work for. The simplest thing to remember is this the more articles you submit, the more money would pour in.

Electronic magazines (more popularly known as ezines) are the low cost versions of the regular magazine which have to be published and which have employees who set up the magazine layouts and who run the printing equipment. To add to that, there is the problem of having to hire regular writers who report to the office day in and day out. Add to that the cost of the office space and utilities and you'll have an idea how much a publishing firm spends, therefore, the need to cut back on some other expenses (which could include the writers paychecks).

An ezine could have numerous subscribers (if well advertised, it could have thousands of readers) hence the need for more writers to produce quality articles for these clients. Ezines could also pay a hefty amount to those who can deliver what they ask for especially when they have proven that your articles are one of the most read.

The initial step is for the writer to have sufficient skills and enough guts to have his article be seen online. It is also imperative that he knows how to catch up with deadlines and to deliver the number of articles that are assigned to him. He should also have a talent in coming up with an article from scratch and should not copy other writers works (called plagiarism).

There are three ways of submitting an article online: you could write numerous articles and post them on a site (and hope that it gets published and paid later on); you could choose from an array of topics to write about, submit the article, and then hope that it gets an approval (an approved article automatically gets paid); or you could have an agent who assigns topics to write about (and get a sure payment per article).

They say work is not work when you love what you're doing. This can be truly said of posting articles online. Whichever way is chosen in submitting your work, there is sure to be a hefty sum that awaits those who labor hard.